Blog about everything and anything that is interesting that comes in my mind! Updates about my life and ideas that i would like to share with people in hopes that will help in life. Cheers
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Years dont count if your not with the right one
In my point of view, a healthy relationship is when both boy and girl give and take. Both tolerate each other for their mistakes and flaws. Being able to see each others' imperfections perfectly.
There is absolutely no point in being together if you're the one giving all the love and your partner just gets and dont do anything about it. Look at it this way, there is no point loving someone who does not love you back! Worse if he/she doesnt even care about you! Its like you didnt even exist. No matter how much love and affection or no matter how much effort you put in trying to make that person love you, it will not work. It's best you give up on this relationship and find a new and better one.
I know you might say things like, "We've been together for 5 years now and it'll be such a waste if I let go of this relationship. I can make this right again. I can make him/her love me again!" Well, im sorry to say that sadly, this is not the case. It does not matter how many years you've went through together, those years gone dont and wont mean a thing if your partner is shit! Seriously, if he/she is not treating you right, then you should have left him/her straight away without feeling guilty or sad because its their loss. Why? Because he/she just lost someone who is able to love them despite them being asses. As for you, be glad you are able to get out of this dump and find yourself a better partner really. YOU DESERVE BETTER! Dont force yourself into something you do not want in the first place. Think about it, no one is really forcing you except you yourself. You have the rights to choose who you be with.
Be a little tad Considerate
There are so many inconsiderate people around us agree? Sometimes i am myself but i try my best not to be. We cant help it, its just our so called culture here already. What im trying to mean is that we should keep these in mind and practice it daily to make our world a better place. These are a few things to keep in mind
1)Take away that "oh i want this done, but i dont want to do it myself. Its ok ill let someone else do it. Someone else will probably do it" If you want some thing done, always keep in mind that you'll have to act on it yourself. Dont wait on others. It may be too late or it will never come. For example, I wanna advice a friend whose down but i just dont want to sound weird and im afraid he wont accept my advice so ill just wait for someone else to advice him. Sadly, that wont happen. So act on it!
3)Treat others how you want to be treated. This is very basic stuff but a lot of people just miss it. You dont want to be hurt, then dont hurt others. You dont like others to treat you badly, then dont treat others badly. Come on, the least we can do here is to be a bit tad considerate. Always think in a two way kind of view. If you dont like what others doing this to you, then dont do it. Simple.
I know its hard to do this sometimes especially if you're trying to treat others how you want to be treated but still getting treated badly. Dont be demotivated, because if someone is being an ass, that does not mean you have to be too! God knows our heart and he will definitely know our intentions. We might not see it happen in instantly or in mass, but hey, at least it starts from us no? Even if people around us are inconsiderate, that doesnt mean we have to be one too. The main purpose of this is to make people realize, that being a bit tad considerate all the time can go a long way not only to help shape our country but also on how others will treat us. Give it a thought. Be better =)
Group Work! So ineffective
I always think group work or group discussions are so ineffective and a waste of time. There will be like five people in that group and only one or maybe if your're lucky, two will be doing all the work while the rest sits there with a poker face pretending not to know anything, avoiding to have to do work. That's me by the way with the poker face all the time. I always choose to group with those people in class who always do all the work so that i can slack all the way. Im bad. =( Anyways, group work can be so ineffective if the main purpose of group work is to promote team work.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Marauder!
This is not a car. Its a monster! I would love to own one. It looks cool, its stylish, it smashes, it moves, you dont have to worry about accidents (in terms of your safety and the repairs needed for your car), Its spacious as well! Oh man, Its just awsomely scary! >=0 Please leave your comments and tell me if you would want one
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Ways people seek attention from the opposite sex
We all have a friend or know someone whose an attention seeker whom will die for attention. Well, in my opinion, its not wrong or right, or good or bad to be seeking attention because its just natural to be wanting a little attention especially from the opposite sex. You know its true! It also varies to how they are doing it but here's a few examples that are too much so that its annoying, obvious and just plain dumb. Extreme much cases.
1)he/she posts everything on Facebook or on the blog. Believe me, EVERYTHING! Its quite annoying at times as it floods your Facebook feed with just their lifestyle. They'll just post everything they do for that day and hope someone would like their post or comment on them. They post up things like what their having for breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, supper. Also on new things they've recently bought and all the annoying stuff. This is quite extreme where if you want to know about that person, just add them on Facebook and you'll know them thoroughly without even the need to befriend them in real life. These are the attention seekers I like to call, "PUBLIC DIARIES"
2)moving on is one where (mostly girls), They will post up complaints on Facebook and hoping people will notice them and give pity onto them. They will complain about their job, their life, their family, friends and just basically every little thing in life that no one would even want to care about. Then she'll wait for people to comment and cheer her up. She sets the trap and waits for the bait. Don't fall for their trap because if you try to ask them what's happening, if you're a girl they'll say "oh its nothing really". If you're a guy, she'll probably say "oh darling! Its awful! Its this and that and blah blah blah blah!" but in fact she just missed an episode of glee.
3)this one is a bit similar with the second one except it happens to both gender. The person will post a picture of himself/herself vaining and have himself/herself comment on his/her own photo saying,"I'm so ugly". In fact the picture will probably be the best picture they've ever taken with the best possible angle and photoshopped ever. Then they wait. Waiting for somebody to comment things like "oh no your not!" Then they'll be so happy that they reply with "oh yes I am ugly!" to keep the compliments going and going and going! I call this, "FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS"
4)That annoying person that tries so hard to crack up jokes all the time but only when there are people of the opposite sex around. Sometimes their not funny! In fact, their annoying, stupid, lame,dumb and sometimes offensive. Its like their a total different person when it comes to having other people of the opposite sex around. They just try too hard to get their attention. We all have that friend now and then. True story.
If you are one of these examples or your all of them combined, >=0
Think this, we don't need to get so much attention from people. We don't necessary need the attention from others because god sees our heart and our intentions. If you do good, god will surely give you the attention and credit your need and wanted. So there is no need to put in such a tremendous amount of effort in getting attention from everybody. Please god, that's all you ever need really. Leave your comments down below here and tell us what kind of attention seekers youve encountered :)
Monday, May 14, 2012
This blog is ALIVE again!!!
Its been quite some time since my last post and I hope you readers didn't lose heart in reading my blog. The reason why I left my bog for so long was because I was busy with a lot of stuff. I was improving myself. I've grown a lot since last time and I'm a Christian now, praise the lord. I'm currently on my third semester on my physiotherapy studies. Life's been rather hectic so far. I had my fair share of ups and downs as well. I just want you guys to know that I'm writing again and more frequent this time. I hope you guys will continue to support my blog and help spread my blog to other blog reading lovers out there. Thank you so much and god bless you all. =)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Be awsome 7 days a week
Colloseous mansions, expensive super cars, and mountains made of money notes dont make us who we are. We are who we are and we are awsome who we already are.
God made us beautifully and there will always be someone that cares for us no matter what our odds may be.
All luxuries in life are just accessories for our comfort, not to shape us, Money cant buy true happiness. It just gives us temporal happiness.
Dont care how others judge us.. If their nobody to us, then their opinions dont matter. What matters are the people close to us. They will definately not judge us because they love us for who we are.
Why improve yourself comparing with others? There will always be someone better than us at some things and vice verssa.
To be honest, I think everyone is great when they have nothing. We live by faith, not knowing what comes next of whatever we do will have a great and positive outcome in the future and yet we still continue doing it. Why? By faith ofcourse.
Dont let others pull you down. Im prove yourself according to yourself. If you think your not good enought at something then improve yourself to be better than who you are now.
I hope I help at least one person reading this post. Dont compare with others, dont underestimate yourself, dont think yuo cant because you definately can. Everyone can. I hope to see a better world to live in. Be considerate, dont be selfish. This post is purely my property and not to be reposted without the proper credit to me. No im not trying to show off. I just dont want people to think i copied this from anywhere because I came up with this 100% myself. God bless.