Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Topic of the day: SCHOOL

Well, people always think that school is a place for only learning and full of dicipline. Do you agree with that? I say NO!! WAKE UP old timers! School is not only just a learning place. Its a place for making friends, building a social life, to be independent, and a lot more on charater building. In short it prepares us for the doggy dog world out there.

School should be a fun place to go so that students wouldnt ever think of not going to school. Instead students are happy to go to school to meet their friends, have fun and learn at the same time! That's the right way to learn. At least thats what i think.

What really ticks me off is that teachers or even principles saying:

1:Hey cut your hair boy, its too long. / Hey tie up your hair girl. Its too untidy!
(ok first of all, wtf does hair have to do with studies? Will it effect out studies? The answer is a complete no! Everyone wants to look good right? If teachers want to look ugly with no hair, then do so but dont tell us to be like you guys, its just bullcrap =D Secondly your not our parents, what rights have you got to tell us how to look? So i say this rule definately have to be scratched off!!)

2:Hey u there! Dont talk in class or off you go to the principle's office!
( When was talking ever a bad thing in life?? Obviously if your talking too loudly in class n disrupting the class, thats something else. If your talking softly to your friend, asking him about class work or just saying a sentence, i think theres no harm to it at all. In fact, if your not talking at all and just listening to the oh so boring teacher teach, then probally everyone would be falling asleep. Also, i think this need some improvement on for school teachers)

3:What I really hate is schools with super long hours. Naturally, if someone is awake and paying attention for long straight hours, they would be tired after everything is finished but thats not it. The school, expects the poor child to have his own revision after the super tiring school. Like wtf?! You make us tired and expect us to still have our own revisions? FYL! If schools with short menagable time tables, then students would be able to have their own revision and also have sufficient rest. Thats what the europeans are doing and look how they turned out. BETTER THAN US!

To counter these sucky rules, here are some tips and guides to help you survive the everyday life in school.

1:If you hate the teachers or principles of your school, i suggest you trash their cars when your out of school =P Do not do it when your still schooling. Remember, you still need them in order to pass.

2:Let all your stress and anger out when your having break. Go have a drink, chill, chat amongst friends, play pranks on each other and just blow your minds and have fun but dont go too far until you get detention -.-

3:When your bored in class and the teacher is just blabering away, i suggest you consume a sweet n sour candy to twinkle your taste buds XD or if you see your friends about to sleep, spray water on them to wake them up. Or simply just talk to your friends and joke around. Laugh a bit to be more alert. Just dont get caugh =P

All i want to say is that school life should be fun because we only get to go to school once so dont waste it. I recommend you have fun breaking a few rules once in a while to let off some stress BUT just dont get caught =P ENJOY YOUR SCHOOL LIFE PEOPLE! Yours truely~Henry Ooi =)

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