Monday, August 23, 2010

Childhood and adulthood

Remember those times when everything was still new and blur? The pure innocence of a child. What are the difference between the life of childhood and adulthood? Well, here they are:-

1) Remember those times when you want to have a sip of water but you'll have to ask the permission of the teacher first? "Teacher teacher! may i drink water pleeeeaaaseee?" Well, how about now? Just take your bottle, slot it in your mouthand swallow away without asking. =)

2)Your unsure which color pencil to use when coloring so you ask the teacher. Teacher says use light blue and you accidentally used blue. The teacher scolds you for not following instructions. Well screw that when your older! i use whatever colors i want to create my own masterpiece!

3)When we were young, we were very afraid of everything. We haven't explored the world quite just yet. A stranger knocks you on purpose and you apologize even if their in the wrong because your just afraid. When your older, your answer to the stranger would be WTF is your problem moth** F*****?!

4)Hearing about marriage or relationships or kissing would be disgusting when we were young. YUCK! But when we're older, marriage seems like a necessasity to bond two loving people's sould together and to make a family. Awww..... But too bad i still think its yucky! =P

5)Holding hands may seem like the end of the world for boys and girls at a young age but at adulthood, hehehe... Even when there's no one holding your hand, you'll be pleading in your heart that someone of the opposite sex would. "Please hold my hand!! a hug will do fine too!!! " XD

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