Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Famous or Infamous

Is being famous or infamous good? Why do teenagers in penang want to be famous so badly? I really dont get it. Ok let me break it down for you people on the pros and cons of being famous.

PROS:- I cant think of any XD

CONS:-1)People will know about whatever you do even the little little things. Example:-Once you pick your nose, everyone will talk about for the rest of your life.
-If you scratch your butt and someone sees you, then the whole of penang would call you the butt scratcher and everyone would avoid you. You would probally have to migrate somewhere else. Sometimes being famous isnt a good thing at all. Infamous they call it.

2)If you mix with this group of people, you will be the one shining and they will be the losers to the crowd. They would think that your friends are just following you just because your famous and they would benefit from you. That may sometimes be true but not always so dont be naive.

3)If you change your girlfriend or boyfriend, everyone would be talking about it and the rumors will grow and grow and grow as it pass from one person to another and by the time the rumor gets back to you, you will me amazed what lifeless people can come up with. Sometimes from your story, it can turn to an international standard news. How awsome people can be when they are lifeless and they gossip and come up with stories.

So its not good to be famous at all. All you get from being famous is just getting your private life being intervened by others. So lay low from the "paparazzi radar" and you will do fine. Live a normal life, cillax and life will be awsome! If your one of the gossipers reading this then fu*k your life, you deserve it and have a fu*ked up day XD

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