Vaining is very common amongst teenagers, especially girls!! Everytime they walk by a mirror, they have to surely take a glance at their hair, touch a bit and there to make sure its still in good shape. Well, its not wrong, but dont overdo it -_- it'll make you look like a monkey!
Other than looking oneself in the mirror all the time, theres also another occurance that is very very very popular amongst teenagers and that is PHOTO TAKING!! Yes thats right your eyes have not done you wrong yet! Photo taking is done by girls and boys alike but usually girls does more of it.
Ok here are some examples of the types of style people take vain pictures of themselves.
1) First one is the "CAM WHORE" type. They will take a pic of themselves whenever possible! Whenever their eating, bathing, siting down, standing up, brushing their teeth, talking, singing, taking a crap, sleeping, waking up, in the toilet, in the restaurant, in the car, in the yard, at the garden, mall, police station, jail, and basically everywhere possible =.= . Thats cam whores! their like TOTAL whores but a camera and picture type hahaha
2) Secondly, there's the I WANT TO TAKE VAIN PHOTOS BUT I DONT WANT ANYONE TO KNOW THAT I TOOK IT MYSELF" type. These kinda people are the ones that do not want others to think that their the ones that are taking their own vaining pictures so when they take pictures, they would normally do it by taking it themselves but they would face somewhere else so that people would think that someone else took it for them BUT hey! We're not stupid! We can see your arm FOOL!
3) Alright now here's the good part! Another type would be the "LALA or TU KAU" aka 29 type. These are the types of people whom are super overdressed and would take pictures with weird and funny poses! Their clothing would normally consist of -If a guy, then a vest, long jeans, slippers, singlet, tie and a totally disastrous hairstyle! that would make a perfect tu kau guy =D As for girls, they would consist of fishnets,clipped hairstyle to the side with some weird unexplainable hairdo, shorts and undesirable shoes! Alright now to their poses! They would normally take their pictures with half squat style, fingers pressed onto the cheek and posing like 1,2,3,4,5 or even 6 fingers! holy cow! well, those are the lala and tu kau types.
Well, these are the only three that i can come up with. Further info you have to be one to know =D There you have it, so which one are you, you yourselves know. =P
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