Sunday, December 6, 2009

Best friend

Have you ever been kissed by your best friend of the same sex before? If not, then here's a picture of what it will look like!

Im on the left in white (Henry) and my best friend's on the right in pink (Ernest). The one in the middle, his name's Ken. His one of our good friends as well.

It's not gay to recieve a kiss from your best friend of the same sex or to give. Its gay if you guys make out in a passionate way. Actually it is super gay! So gay i'll have to call it "BRUNO" gay!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Well nowadays i just feel that i don't belong in this world. I feel lost and left out from the world. True enough i have really really nice friends but thats not enough to fill the void in my heart. Also, i regret most of the things i did in life. The worst part is that i wont be able to get a second chance to change things. Why cant life be the way i want it to be? Maby my destiny is to be hurt n suffer? Well i dont know... These feelings confuses me. Its really hard to explain.