Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Topic of the day: Types of vaining

Vaining is very common amongst teenagers, especially girls!! Everytime they walk by a mirror, they have to surely take a glance at their hair, touch a bit and there to make sure its still in good shape. Well, its not wrong, but dont overdo it -_- it'll make you look like a monkey!
Other than looking oneself in the mirror all the time, theres also another occurance that is very very very popular amongst teenagers and that is PHOTO TAKING!! Yes thats right your eyes have not done you wrong yet! Photo taking is done by girls and boys alike but usually girls does more of it.

Ok here are some examples of the types of style people take vain pictures of themselves.

1) First one is the "CAM WHORE" type. They will take a pic of themselves whenever possible! Whenever their eating, bathing, siting down, standing up, brushing their teeth, talking, singing, taking a crap, sleeping, waking up, in the toilet, in the restaurant, in the car, in the yard, at the garden, mall, police station, jail, and basically everywhere possible =.= . Thats cam whores! their like TOTAL whores but a camera and picture type hahaha

2) Secondly, there's the I WANT TO TAKE VAIN PHOTOS BUT I DONT WANT ANYONE TO KNOW THAT I TOOK IT MYSELF" type. These kinda people are the ones that do not want others to think that their the ones that are taking their own vaining pictures so when they take pictures, they would normally do it by taking it themselves but they would face somewhere else so that people would think that someone else took it for them BUT hey! We're not stupid! We can see your arm FOOL!

3) Alright now here's the good part! Another type would be the "LALA or TU KAU" aka 29 type. These are the types of people whom are super overdressed and would take pictures with weird and funny poses! Their clothing would normally consist of -If a guy, then a vest, long jeans, slippers, singlet, tie and a totally disastrous hairstyle! that would make a perfect tu kau guy =D As for girls, they would consist of fishnets,clipped hairstyle to the side with some weird unexplainable hairdo, shorts and undesirable shoes! Alright now to their poses! They would normally take their pictures with half squat style, fingers pressed onto the cheek and posing like 1,2,3,4,5 or even 6 fingers! holy cow! well, those are the lala and tu kau types.

Well, these are the only three that i can come up with. Further info you have to be one to know =D There you have it, so which one are you, you yourselves know. =P

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Due to excessive amount of free time, i have came up with a few types of girls that you should know exist in this world.

1)Innocent but notty type- These girls are innocent on the outlook but in bed, they cannot be tamed! WILD! Though quite loyal =)

2)The "Miss Popular" a.k.a "Miss Drama Queen" type is a type where trouble follows her everywhere! Watch out if your girlfriend is a miss popular cuz when they have nothing better to do, they'd create problems to you and to others alike.

3)The raging whore! This one is to be cautious with!! These type of girls are the ones to avoid! Unless if your a slut seeker then -.- The moment you turn your backs on them, they'd be giving other guys a nice banana milkshake, strawberry cupcakes, papaya peels and more 0.0 My oh my! these are the types that cannot be trusted at all times!!

There you have it the common 3 types of girls that exist in this world. For more information please contact me at my facebook and for emergency situations like when if your girlfriend has gone mad and crazy because you dumped her, kindly dial 999 for the nearest help =) HAVE A NICE DAY B******!

First date

Boys and girls here's a lesson for all you out there that is seeking true love and have found the true love but you just dont know what to do and your still new at it. Here's a few things ive learned and would like to share with you all

On the first date, the boys:
-Try not to rush things with your girl because girls do not like it. Take things a step at a time. They want guys that are patient and would wait for them because all girls are teasers! They want it but they say they dont because that would make them feel better. I dont see any benefit in that sooooooo conclusion is, girls are just TEASERS! So try to let them win most of the time even if you know that shes in the wrong because girls like to be pampered. Such teasers huh?

On the first date, the girls:
-Try not to tease your boy that much until he gets frustrated and goes home. Your just gonna shoo him away from you. Go for lunch and a movie. I recommend it =) Dont be shy to suggest where you want to go because if you dont and the boy takes you to a place that you dont like, you cant do anything bout it. Its ok to suggest a place to go because you guys are couples now. Your gonna share practically everything together. =D

Monday, June 21, 2010

Relationships upder pressure cooker

Girls and boys alike, are both seeking true love at the teenage age. Problem is, true love is hard to come by nowadays. People tend to play around with love. Example, the guy doesnt have feelings for the girl but still he will still lie to the girl and all just to be in a relationship cuz he feels his lonely and needs company. No no no no no no no no no no! Thats wrong cuz everyone has feelings too.
Alright back to the topic, you see people when two people are put under pressure where i like to call a pressure cooker, they tend to fall in love very quickly with each other. Im not sure if its a good thing or not but you can decide yourself at the end of the topic.

1)The girl and the boy went on a holiday together. Had a trip of a week. Before that they did not have feelings for each other. Didnt know each other that well even. So at the trip, the talked and had alone times together and in the 5 days process, they fell in love. From almost total strangers to lovers in just five days. Thats due to the pressure cooker of the trip.

2) Both the girl and the guy never knew each other but they added each other on facebook. They've not seen each other before so for the first time they are going out on a date together. At the date, they went for a movie and stuff like dat. The end of the day, both liked each other and one proposed so the other accepted. Thats the love they had for each other. One day from facebook buddies to lovers.

3)Both girl and boy are put in the same class for a week and they fall in love. The story goes on bla bla bla and im just too lazy to tell it all.

Point is, when a boy and a girl are put into a situation where both of them have nowhere to escape and their alone(somehow), so the love develops there but if its true love or not true love, its up to you guys to decide because personally i feel that it all depends on the situation. That's todays topic =D

I love you and I really need you.

If I tell you I don't love you then I'd be a liar coz you are my everything and I really miss you. Though you do not know this but Your always in my mind. All day all night I'd be thinking of you. Waiting and wishing for the day when you would tell me you love me once again. Though I messed up bad in the past but all I'm asking now is for you to give me another chance to  make it up to you. I'd do anything and everything just to hold you in my arms again, PYS.   

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Famous or Infamous

Is being famous or infamous good? Why do teenagers in penang want to be famous so badly? I really dont get it. Ok let me break it down for you people on the pros and cons of being famous.

PROS:- I cant think of any XD

CONS:-1)People will know about whatever you do even the little little things. Example:-Once you pick your nose, everyone will talk about for the rest of your life.
-If you scratch your butt and someone sees you, then the whole of penang would call you the butt scratcher and everyone would avoid you. You would probally have to migrate somewhere else. Sometimes being famous isnt a good thing at all. Infamous they call it.

2)If you mix with this group of people, you will be the one shining and they will be the losers to the crowd. They would think that your friends are just following you just because your famous and they would benefit from you. That may sometimes be true but not always so dont be naive.

3)If you change your girlfriend or boyfriend, everyone would be talking about it and the rumors will grow and grow and grow as it pass from one person to another and by the time the rumor gets back to you, you will me amazed what lifeless people can come up with. Sometimes from your story, it can turn to an international standard news. How awsome people can be when they are lifeless and they gossip and come up with stories.

So its not good to be famous at all. All you get from being famous is just getting your private life being intervened by others. So lay low from the "paparazzi radar" and you will do fine. Live a normal life, cillax and life will be awsome! If your one of the gossipers reading this then fu*k your life, you deserve it and have a fu*ked up day XD

Embarassing moments

In some points of our lives, we will surely meet with some very embarrassing moments. I personally met with such multiple times again and again.
There was once when i was at the mall and i had to answer nature's call so i rushed to the nearby toilet. So, inside i went into the cubical to take a leak. Then suddenly i heard girls chattering away! I thought of going out and telling them that it was the mens' toilet but suddenly i realized that i'm the one whose in the women's toilet! My heart suddenly pounded like crazy! There were girls all around talking, putting on their makeups and gossiping away. Theres even a girl at the neighbouring cubical taking off her pants -_- ( i didnt peep if you guys are wondering. I heard the sound of her pants unziping.) I hid in the cubical for about half an hour hoping that everyone would leave the toilet. I kept quite. When i hear no sound from girls i quickily ran outside! There were still some girls there but i think they didnt notice me. Man, that was really embarrassing!