Wednesday, May 18, 2011


       I want to get some things clear about my blog. Firstly, EVERYTHING in this blog is 100% my ideas. i DID NOT copy any of my posts from anyone! its all 100% from my highly intelligent brain to this blog. XD So if you ever ever see any of the similar posts elsewhere, then im sure he/she copied me!  >=O

    ANOTHER thing is, if you guys are interested in reading my blog and want more posts to read about, please please please  write on my facebook wall( or message me on facebook telling me you like my blog and want more of it =D That's what drives me to write more and more guys! But if i dont get any then i wont write anymore T.T
REMEMBER! if you like any post just give me a thumbs up at facebook on the title. Each time you read, please let me know on the message box or facebook coz id really appreciate it!

   Also, dont just read new posts if u havent read the old ones!! =( If i havent post anything new for awhile then take the time to  read the older posts >< much appreciated! Lastly, please tell your friends about my blog! thanks guys for reading =)

If i were to be goverment pt1

Have you guys ever thought of being the goverment of Malaysia? I HAVE =D
Malaysia is a very beautiful country actually. A lot may not think the same but in fact it is but i dont think your here to read about me blabbing about malaysia itself. Lets continue to the part where what if im a government!!!

If i were to become the new government of Malaysia and i have total control of this country, id change a lot of things! Id implement new laws!  First of all is that Malaysia will not be an Islamic country anymore, instead it will be a  MULTI-CULTURAL country. No offense to Islamic people.

I'd say if i was goverment, tax wont be lowered. The money collected wont go down anyones pocket if u know what i mean WINKS*. On the other hand, it will come back to the citizen and no im not talking about giving out free money to everybody if that is what you have in mind. The money collected will be used to efficiently improve the country and have the citizen better lives. 
 For example, i would build better road systems and have better public transports for those who are not so fortunate to own a vehicle. These transports consists of better quality busses, underground trains, LRTs and more. Then, low cost houses for the less fortunate will be better upgraded in size and  design. Maintainence will be held monthly to repaint or repair any damage of the buildings. 

Alright, enough with the boring part and get on with the interesting parts. I'd also change a few laws. Public goverment schools' rules will not be so tight. Uniforms will differ for every school meaning every school has their own set of uniform and no schools will have the same. It's easier to recognize at first glance dont you think? I know a lot of you are very very particular about your outlook and all when in school so im going to change the rule regarding that. For boys, you dont have to keep your hair neat and all. You can leave it as long as you want or have whatever colour you want on. If you feel it looks good on you then you can have it. Girls, you can have whatever hairstyle you want. On one condition though, as long as it does not interrupt your academic studies! I feel that if you force them not to keep long hair and all its not really effective because deep inside, everyone wants to look good right? School wont be in such long hours anymore instead, there's a maximum study limit cap. Every school may only teach up to 5hours of studying at max. The rest is up to the school to implement the studying schedule.Also, the environment of schools MUST be improved way better for students to study in a better environment. I believe that when your given the freedom and the comfort zone to study, students tend to study better and not rebel. Like they say, youths are the future of every country =)

  Theres a lot more but for now ill end this post. Come back and read more if your interested in this post but in the mean time you can browse my older posts. Their AWSOME =D Oh and also, if you like this post and want part 2, write to me on facebook =) if i get a lot, ill be so happy and ill continue writting =D

Socializing has been taken to a whole new level with facebook i say! Most people around the world is using facebook now! To some, its a place to keep in touch with friends not face to face meeting's reach. To others its a place to get to know new people. To others its a place for business and so on! Its a good thing and in the other hand its bad.why? That's because:-

1)Hardcore facebookers- They post nearly everything their doing on facebook! Example: (I just woke up, right leg down from bed, left leg down from bed, right left right left right left, reached toilet, turning on the tap, using hands to fetch water (i dont even know how they typed it), brushing teeth, and so on!) i mean COME ON! thats not the purpose of facebook zzzzzzzzzzz

2)Sometimes we see posts like "Hey im going to the mall." Why do you have to post this? Are you seeking attention and hoping people who go meet you there or something? Or maybe sometimes people post up pictures of themselves and comment on their own picture, "Im fat, im ugly or maybe im fugly" COME ON! This is what i like to call fishing for praises! I very well know that you want people to comment there, "aww come on your not ugly, your not fat, your beautiful" AM I RIGHT?! You just want people to praise you thats all. Sucks to be you if you've done it before.

3)People just check in every where they go. Like say, toilet in the mall, check in! Drive through McDonalds, CHECK IN! Friends house at adress* , check in! Come on people! Dont you have any privacy? We dont want to know where your heading! We're not stalkers and we wouldnt care less where your going!! Stop it with the check in's. Its annoying

The main purpose of facebook is to connect friends together, post up events to invite people, to meet new friends, business advertising, group of people and so on. These are the productive things which we should do in facebook. Not being CAM WHORES, Praise fisherman/woman, and all those annoying stuff! Its really annoying to see my facebook wall flooded with nonsense posts and pictures of the same person every single day! COME ON! Even if your so beautiful, id get bored looking at you.